Censof Holdings Bhd was established in 2008 as a technology holdings company specializing in financial management software solutions.
Since then, Censof has expanded its portfolio of financial services solutions to include e-payment gateway services and wealth management software solutions. Subsequently, Censof ventured to professional training of software application specialists to support human capital development in technology certifications. Consequently, Censof acquired a major accounting solution business that cater to SME business market. Through its subsidiaries, the technology solutions are widely used in public and private sectors in Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia and Hong Kong. In January 2011, the Group was listed on the Main Market of Bursa Malaysia.
Today, the Censof Group provides an extensive portfolio of financial management software solutions that cater to start-ups, small and medium enterprises (SMEs) all the way to large corporations. Our team of experts and strategic partners has an unparalleled competitive ability to address industry requirements at both global and local level.

Embracing the Digital Frontier

Since Censof was founded, we have supported thousands of clients. This experience has brought valuable insight in delivering results for our customers. In return, our customers have the confidence that their business is supported by reliable, proven and robust solutions from Censof Group.
We have completely modernised our solutions portfolio in the last two years, connecting and integrating them in new and innovative ways. We have developed financial management solutions which are open and integrated softwares that will help businesses transform their operations, digitalise their businesses processes and drive innovations through cloud technology adoption.
We have built the business data infrastructure offering the broadest range of financial management solutions through developing software and ensuring it is open and flexible to match the changing needs of the market. In addition, we have also made strategic acquisitions and partnership to enhance our offering for our clients’ needs.